Eurenco news

Restart of the Nitrocellulose production on the EURENCO Bergerac site
EURENCO, the European leader in energetic materials, announces the restart of nitrocellulose production at its Bergerac site. This activity had been shut down since August 3, 2022 following an accident that damaged part of the installation.
After several months of work consisting of safely removing all the damaged equipment and restoring the installations and the building, EURENCO has obtained all the administrative authorizations needed to gradually resume production.. This restart puts an end to the partial activity which still concerned the personnel of the nitrocellulose line.
As the nitrocellulose produced by EURENCO is used in the production of propellants for artillery, this restart of production is eagerly awaited by our customers in the current context.. The first deliveries will take place within a few days.
Benjamin GAUTIER
+33 (0)6 77569209
We are happy to be able to resume work under the best safety conditions and to once again produce this strategic raw material for our customers
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